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eyenov developed an application called SecretToolbox which is a Swiss Army Knife for Adult Contents. It allows users to: Hide their files within a secret environment. The app itself is invisible in the system. Organize and categorize their local collection inside that environment. Create bookmarks for their favorite scenes in their videos. Reproduce their files from the app without needing any 3rd party video player and making sure no trace is left on their machine. Automatically find adult files on the hard drive and import them to their secret environment.SEE DETAILS

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Videoshop is an easy video editor with fast editing tools, filters and many other effects for personalizing your videos. eyenov developed some of the video effects present in the app. You can get it here

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Eyenov was responsible for the development of a new karaoke software for the Edinburgh based company SuperCube. The software is now live and being used daily by the SuperCube customers. You can check the customer testemonial in our portfolio page

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Eyenov was involved in a project for the consulting firm Altran to develop an Android application for a pharmaceutical company. You can check the client review in our portfolio page.

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It’s not Rocket Science, but most of the times latency can ruin user experience in computer applications. eyenov created a system for RocketBoard that allows the user to broadcast its whiteboard images with almost no latency. You can check the press release over here If you want to help Rocketboard, just become a backer in the Kickstarter campaign.

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